xFarm has recently started up a TheThingsNetwork gateway, https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/u/xian1925, with the goal to test and deploy LoRa to its arsenal. The tests are currently being conducted on a Arduino MKR WAN 1300 with BME680 module, Sentrius RG191 gateway, and Node-Red, MySQL, Grafana on a Google Cloud Compute Engine stack. You can visualize the BME680 sensor output at xmkrwan-1 Grafana.
xmkrwan-1 enclosure xmkrwan-1 MKRWAN 1300 Sentrius RG191
If you plan to know how it works or connect to my TTN gateway, just give me a shout out by commenting on this page or leaving me a message at The Things Network.
xFarm has also developed its own LoRaWAN 8-Channel 923Mhz gateway out of the RAK Wireless 2245 and Raspberry Pi 3 with LoRaServer OS. The xFarm LoRaWAN gateway allows both private and public LoRaWAN infrastructure.