“Smart Farming is a development that emphasizes the use of information and communication technology in the cyber-physical farm management cycle. New technologies such as the Internet of Things and Cloud Computing are expected to leverage this development and introduce more robots and artificial intelligence in farming. This is encompassed by the phenomenon of Big Data, massive volumes of data with a wide variety that can be captured, analysed and used for decision-making. This review aims to gain insight into the state-of-the-art of Big Data applications in Smart Farming and identify the related socio-economic challenges to be addressed.”*

With the advent of smart farming comes the need for smart sensors – devices to measure and provide real-time data of metrics suited to monitor the operational conditions or other circumstances like weather, environment, water quality, etc.
xFarm Technologies leverages on state-of-the-art internet of things; Spark Particle Electron/Photon, Arduino Sensors and Google cloud technologies to provide you with the smart farming services you require to help improve your farms yield.
xFarm Technologies goal is to provide the mechanism needed for smart farming on an affordable and sustainable manner. We aim to provide services like sensor development and placement, data logging, monitoring and analysis, and ultimately automation of processes. The target is to help and assist your technical and operational by providing the smart farming services required on a pay per use model.
*Big Data in Smart Farming – A review, SjaakWolfertabLanGeaCorVerdouwabMarc-JeroenBogaardta